The mutant form has a shorter, three-transmembrane domain bound to the substrate. IIT was first isolated from human melanoma. IIT is found at high levels on mouse skin; however, this tissue is not usually considered suitable material for mouse modeling studies. DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 A is a micrograph of the protein of interest obtained by homogenization of human skin lamina M4 at 40× magnification (A). The three labeled beads represent the immunoprecipitated form of ITF, ITF-caspase activation products and Egg, respectively. FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary microarray pattern of ITF-5 (the mutant form of skin microphthalmia), and FIG. 3 illustrates the data obtained by an immunoblot technique. The sequence encoding the protein of interest was cloned into EcoRI (Ivanovski et al., 1991) and poly amplicon fragments of approximately 3 KB were digested with Tax polymerase (Niagara et al., 1995) and the resulting products were used to introduce the predicted domain of ITF-5 at the position of the predicted Csp3 motif. FIG. 4 shows the result of a probe that recognizes the predicted domain of ITF-5. FIG. 5 shows the result of a probe with the predicted domain of ITF-5. FIG. 6 is an expanded view of the probe from FIG. 4 with additional data points (click to enlarge). FIGS. 7 and 8 show an example alignment of human immunoprecipitated (HIIT) and mouse immunoprecipitated (MILTF) ITF with human, mouse, and rat ITF-5. FIGS. 9-11 are an example of a two-dimensional representation of a peptide of ITF-5. ITF-5 is an ?-helix-linked peptide composed of one subunit and a polypeptide fragment of about 5 DA (polypeptides of about 10 DA to about 15 DA are less well characterized). The polypeptide fragment is bound to ITF-5 in the C-terminal isobutyl terminus and has two hydrophobic regions located just opposite either end (not shown).
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Microphthalmia Transcription Factor (ITF). Mouse Monoclonal Antibody D5, Human, Dog ITF BACKGROUND In Western blotting, it recognizes a doublet of 52 56kDa, identity ed as serine-phosphorylated and
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