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BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Approval of the 2009-2011 Low Income Energy Efficiency and California Alternate Rates for Energy Programs and Budget U 39 M Application No* 08-05-022 Filed May 15 2008 Company U902M for Approval of LowIncome Assistance Programs and Budgets for Program Years 2009-2011 Company U338E for Approval of LowIncome Assistance Programs and Budgets for REPLY COMMENTS OF PACIFIC GAS AND...
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What is law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
The law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 is a legal document used for requesting a modification or change in a particular law or regulation.
Who is required to file law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
Any individual, organization, or legal entity who wishes to propose a modification to a specific law must file the law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0.
How to fill out law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
To fill out the law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0, you need to provide relevant information, such as your name, contact details, the specific law you want to modify, reasons for the proposed modification, and any supporting evidence or arguments.
What is the purpose of law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
The purpose of law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 is to allow individuals or entities to officially request changes to existing laws or regulations that they believe are necessary or beneficial.
What information must be reported on law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
The law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 requires reporting of the petitioner's personal information, the specific law to be modified, reasons for the proposed modification, and any supporting evidence or arguments.
When is the deadline to file law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 in 2023?
The deadline to file the law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 in 2023 is typically determined by the relevant authorities or governing bodies. You should consult the official guidelines or contact the appropriate office for the specific deadline.
What is the penalty for the late filing of law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
The penalty for the late filing of law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances. It is advisable to consult the relevant legal authorities or seek legal advice to understand the potential penalties or consequences.
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How do I make changes in law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0?
With pdfFiller, it's easy to make changes. Open your law-1471836-v1-dpv2petition1formodificationofd0 in the editor, which is very easy to use and understand. When you go there, you'll be able to black out and change text, write and erase, add images, draw lines, arrows, and more. You can also add sticky notes and text boxes.
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