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WHAT RULES WERE BROKEN WHEN AN O- TRIPLE-C CORRECTIONS OFFICER LEFT A GUN IN A PUBLIC RESTROOM, AND WHAT SAFEGUARDS SHOULD HAVE PREVENTED IT FROM HAPPENING? WE'RE PRESSING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC REVOLVER INSIDE ONE OF O-TRIPLE- C'S BATHROOM'S YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. LAST NIGHT, POLICE ARRESTED 35-YEAR-OLD JANELLE NEWCOMB FOR THEFT. SHE WAS EARLIER BEING DONE TO KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN. MAN OLO MORALES IS ASKING THE TOUGH QUESTIONS. MAN OLO? FIREARMS AND IF ANY OF THOSE RULES WERE those who patrol the perimeter. In a statement a spokeswoman says, secured perimeter.quot; I spoke with a lawmaker who says he was in disbelief when he heard about it. So we gave the department a list of questions both by email and on the phone. Anglo: “How much time passed reported missing at 1 p-m, but we wanted to know how much time had passed before it was reported. Also, what policies are in place for officers who carry weapons and what type of training do they get? Esper: “That is a question that needs to be answered public safety director Nolan Espinoza said in a statement make sure safeguards are in place to prevent this from happening again.quot; Anglo: “According to the So does this apply even when the officer goes to the bathroom. We went to the public safety office for more quot;In order to allow for the full investigative process to take WE ALSO WANT TO KNOW THE STATUS OF THE CORRECTIONS OFFICER, WHETHER HE OR SHE REMAINS ON DUTY. WE WILL FOLLOW UP AND.
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