Below is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Is an autograph the same as a signature?
The main difference between Autograph and Signature is that the Autograph is a handwritten signature of a famous person and Signature is a handwritten mark made as a proof of identity and intent. Autograph is a famous person's artistic signature. The writer of a signature is a signatory or signer.
What is the difference between sign and signature?
The main difference between Signed and Signature is that the Signed is a number property of being positive or negative and Signature is a handwritten mark made as a proof of identity and intent.
Do celebrities sign their own autographs?
As a rule — no. In fact, most sports autographs look nothing at all like the person's genuine signature on a contract or check. Nor is this new. Most celebrities use either rubber stamps or autopen for autographs by the way, and those who sign uses a few simple strokes rather than real signatures.
How do you tell if an autograph is real or printed?
Through a magnifying glass, you will be able to see more ink on the edges of the lines than in the middle. Look for autographs printed by machines that may have an unnaturally “smooth" effect. Check the color of the ink. If you've decided that the paper is likely genuine, look at the ink.
What is a signed reprint photo?
Well, it is simply a photographic reproduction of an original signed photo. In this case, an original autographed photo is copied and then reproduced.
How can I make my signature?
Suggested clip
How to design your own amazing signature — YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip
How to design your own amazing signature — YouTube
How can I create a signature in Word?
Place the cursor in your Word document where you want to insert a signature.
Click the Insert tab.
Select Signature Line.
A menu will appear.
Fill out the required fields.
Select OK.
Are autographs worth anything?
Autographs are big business and can be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. How much a particular autograph is worth usually depends upon a couple of factors: the popularity or notoriety of the person in question and rarity. The more popular or notorious a person is, the more valuable the autograph.
How can you tell if an autograph is authentic?
Turn it upside down. The best way to compare a signature is to turn it upside down.
Beware stamped signatures. Fake autographs are often mechanically reproduced.
Look closely at the ink. Pull out your magnifying glass and look for visual clues.
Look for "robotic" tell-tale signs.
How much is Kobe Bryant's signature worth?
A ball allegedly signed by the entire world championship team was going for more than $2 million. But not all items were selling for blockbuster prices, an allegedly signed picture was going for $251 and an allegedly autographed OC Weekly magazine was selling for $398.
How much is Kobe Bryant's rookie card worth now?
This is one of the nicest looking Kobe Bryant basketball cards to date. There were 2 different versions of these basketball cards produced. The regular green version and the Silver Credentials rookie which is numbered to only 499. The Credentials rookie card recently sold for $2100 on eBay.
No one else can sell celebrity autographs or sell signed memorabilia and do that for you. In fact, most auction houses want months to set up auctions and a minimum of a month after to pay you. You'll never have to worry about where can I sell signed memorabilia ever again!
Do pawn shops buy autographs?
This includes the pawn value of sports memorabilia including autographed jerseys, sports equipment, playing cards and more. When this is submitted, pawn shops will make an offer on the used item online, and then the Pawnee/seller chooses whether or not they want to accept that offer.
Are celebrity autographs worth money?
Autographs are big business and can be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. On the other hand, the signature of a minor celebrity who signs thousands of autographs every year might not be worth more than a few dollars.
What's the best item to get autographed?
The top items that we recommend considering are helmets, mini helmets, footballs, jerseys, photos and game used equipment. All items can be displayed differently and have different values to them when they are signed.