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Gli utenti si fidano di gestire i documenti sulla piattaforma pdfFiller

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Cosa dicono i nostri clienti su pdfFiller

Vedi per te leggendo recensioni sulle risorse più popolari:
julio c m
I like that I can find most of the forms I need bit it is very difficult, at least for me to align some of my typing to the actual corresponding lines. (eg): pleading paper. Im sure there is a way but i haven't learned the whole program yet
Wan C
I use PDFfiller on an iMac which does not have Flash installed. The main problem I have is that some of the text I deleted in a PDF file using PDFfiller appears to remain in the file. After I save the file, exit PDFfiller, and reopen the file with PDFFiller, the text I deleted was actually deleted and no longer in the file. So these steps serve as my workaround to this bug in PDFFiller on computers without Flash. I greatly appreciate the PDFfiller Help Team explains the reasons why the bug remains in the current version of PDFfiller, transitting from requiring Flash to not requiring it. Furthermore, as a software engineer myself, I fully accept the reasons for this bug to remain in the current, transitional version of PDFFiller. Thank you very much, the PDFfiller team. Wan Chan
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eSignature workflow facili
Firma, invio per firma e traccia i documenti in tempo reale con firma.