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Descubra a facilidade de processamento de PDFs online

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Preencha, edite ou assinatura seu PDF sem problemas

Baixe, exporte ou compartilhe seu arquivo editado instantaneamente
Software PDF mais bem avaliado reconhecido por sua facilidade de uso, recursos poderosos e suporte impecável
Todos os ferramentas PDF que você precisa para obter documentos sem papel

Criar e editar PDFs
Gere novos PDFs a partir do zero ou transforme documentos existentes em modelos reutilizáveis. Digite em qualquer lugar de um PDF, reescreva o conteúdo original do PDF, insira imagens ou gráficos, redija detalhes sensíveis e destaque informações importantes usando um editor online intuitivo.

Preencha e assine formulários PDF
Diga adeus às complicações manuais propensas a erros. Complete qualquer documento PDF eletronicamente - mesmo enquanto estiver em trânsito. Pré-preencha vários PDFs simultaneamente ou extraia respostas de formulários completos com facilidade.

Organize e converta PDFs
Adicione, remova ou reorganize páginas dentro de seus PDFs em segundos. Crie novos documentos mesclando ou dividindo PDFs. Converta instantaneamente arquivos editados para vários formatos ao baixá-los ou exportá-los.

Coletar dados e aprovações
Transforme documentos estáticos em formulários interativos preenchíveis arrastando e soltando vários tipos de campos preenchíveis em seus PDFs. Publique esses formulários em sites ou compartilhe-os por meio de um link direto para capturar dados, coletar assinaturas e solicitar pagamentos.

Exporte documentos com facilidade
Compartilhe, envie por e-mail, imprima, faxine ou baixe documentos editados em poucos cliques. Exporte e importe rapidamente documentos de serviços populares de armazenamento em nuvem como Google Drive, Box e Dropbox.

Armazene documentos com segurança
Armazene um número ilimitado de documentos e modelos com segurança na nuvem e acesse-os de qualquer local ou dispositivo. Adicione um nível extra de proteção aos documentos, bloqueando-os com uma senha, colocando-os em pastas criptografadas ou solicitando autenticação do usuário.
Confiança do cliente em números
Junte-se a mais de 64 milhões de pessoas que usam fluxos de trabalho sem papel para impulsionar a produtividade e reduzir custos
Por quê escolher nossa solução de PDF?
Editor PDF em nuvem
Acesse ferramentas PDF poderosas, bem como seus documentos e modelos, de qualquer lugar. Nenhuma instalação necessária.
Top-rated para facilidade de uso
Crie, edite e preencha documentos PDF mais rapidamente com uma interface intuitiva que leva apenas alguns minutos para dominar.
Serviço ao cliente de produção
Desfrute de paz de espírito com uma equipe de suporte ao cliente premiada sempre ao alcance.
O que os nossos clientes dizem sobre o pdfFiller
Leia as avaliações sobre os recursos mais populares:
I mainly use it to edit papers for my teaching position; it's been very useful to not alter the original format while adding my view point freely on the document.
It was fairly easy to search out IRS forms but then you find out they're not usable because they're in Red!?! Also it said if you paid for a one-year subscription you save 65%, but the yearly cost was exactly the same as paying monthly and you didn't know this until you processed your payment???
Just got the PDFfiler installed and it was easy to work and save. So far have a problem with printing or faxing the document to court. I have not learned all the works to the program yet, I'm sure that the reason.
I wanted to create 2 additional 1099s but was unable to find that option so closed and requested it be sent to IRS. Now I know I should have selected "template" but have not been able to get that to work. Made another, and no option to send to IRS
The application i sy to use and functions very well. I have had no issues with the app. Would like to know what "Host a Fillable Form"s. Opens an "Employment Agreement" when I click on it.
What do you like best?
I like how intuitive PDFfiller works compared to using a typical graphic design application to fill out PDF forms. PDFfiller does a good job at understanding how to format common documents and makes it easy for me to download files after filling them out. I think that the pricing for PDFfiller is very reasonable and the website is designed very professionally.
What do you dislike?
I have been able to use PDFfiller very smoothly in the time that I've used it, but it's not always perfect when it comes to formatting certain documents. I think they are improving all the time though.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I would recommend PDFfiller for filling out digital documents, for sure. I think if you compare it to other cloud-based software tools, you'll see that it can work more smoothly with your workflow in many cases.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
We work with lots of digital documents, and since it can take a long time to fill them out through printing, writing and scanning, PDFfiller really helps to streamline the document filling and signing process. Everyone on our team that uses PDFfiller was able to start using it without problems pretty quickly.
I like how intuitive PDFfiller works compared to using a typical graphic design application to fill out PDF forms. PDFfiller does a good job at understanding how to format common documents and makes it easy for me to download files after filling them out. I think that the pricing for PDFfiller is very reasonable and the website is designed very professionally.
What do you dislike?
I have been able to use PDFfiller very smoothly in the time that I've used it, but it's not always perfect when it comes to formatting certain documents. I think they are improving all the time though.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I would recommend PDFfiller for filling out digital documents, for sure. I think if you compare it to other cloud-based software tools, you'll see that it can work more smoothly with your workflow in many cases.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
We work with lots of digital documents, and since it can take a long time to fill them out through printing, writing and scanning, PDFfiller really helps to streamline the document filling and signing process. Everyone on our team that uses PDFfiller was able to start using it without problems pretty quickly.
I have been trying to cancel my…
I have been trying to cancel my subscription for months. One of the problems is that I can't find the account. I have tried all of the email addresses that I use and can not find it. I have sent emails and wrote tickets trying to get some help but have recieved absolutely no response. I am paying $50 a month for a service I am unable to use or cancel.
I was able to finally talk to someone who helped me find the email the account was under, canceled it for me and refunded the charges. The whole thing was quick and painless and I got the best possible outcome and that gives the 5 stars in my book. Thank you pdffiller for taking the time to hear my problem and helping finally find a resolution.
I signed up originally to utilise this service. Whilst I did not wish to continue with the service (just wouldnt need it again) I did struggle to cancel the service. I sent an email outlining my issue and got the quickest response back and my account fixed and funds returned. Great service if you do require all the time. Easy to use. Highly recommend.
This review is primarily for the customer service. This company had extremely quality customer service. FAST responses. I would definitely recommend trying it out for that alone, they will work through and address any issues you have. You won’t be disappointed. Great job.
Obtenha documentos feitos de qualquer lugar
Crie, edite e compartilhe PDFs em qualquer lugar. O aplicativo pdfFiller fornece todas as ferramentas de que você precisa para gerenciar documentos em seu dispositivo móvel. Experimente agora no iOS ou Android!
#1 usabilidade de acordo com G2
Tente a solução PDF que respeita o seu tempo.