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Raccogli dati e approvazioni
Trasforma documenti statici in moduli interattivi compilabili trascinando e rilasciando vari tipi di campi compilabili sui tuoi PDF. Pubblica questi moduli sui siti Web o condividili tramite un collegamento diretto per catturare dati, raccogliere firme e richiedere pagamenti.
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Condividi, invia per e-mail, stampa, invia per fax o scarica documenti modificati in pochi clic. Esporta e importa rapidamente documenti da servizi di archiviazione cloud popolari come Google Drive, Box e Dropbox.
Archivia documenti in modo sicuro
Archivia un numero illimitato di documenti e modelli in modo sicuro nel cloud e accedici da qualsiasi posizione o dispositivo. Aggiungi un livello di protezione extra ai documenti bloccandoli con una password, inserendoli in cartelle criptate o richiedendo l'autenticazione dell'utente.
La fiducia dei clienti in numeri
Unisciti a più di 64 milioni di persone che utilizzano flussi di lavoro senza carta per aumentare la produttività e ridurre i costi
Perchè scegliere la nostra soluzione di PDF?
Editor PDF in cloud
Accedi a potenti strumenti PDF, nonché ai tuoi documenti e modelli, da qualsiasi luogo. Nessuna installazione richiesta.
Top-rated per facilità d'uso
Crea, modifica e compila documenti PDF più velocemente con un'interfaccia utente intuitiva che richiede solo pochi minuti per padroneggiare.
Servizio al cliente di produzione
Goditi la tranquillità con un team di supporto clienti pluripremiato sempre a portata di mano.
Cosa dicono i nostri clienti su pdfFiller
Vedi per te leggendo recensioni sulle risorse più popolari:
I had a quick need to make some changes to a PDF. I found your application and it worked immediately. I want to learn more about these other features.
Its good for the most part - the downside is it doesnt open for me on the first try and it asks me to sign in everytime i need to print or save a doc. even though I pay for the service. Annoying that it doesnt recognize me when I use the app.
PDFfiller - One stop tool for PDF Editing
Our organization use PDF Filler for contract completion with our clients/vendors. It allows us to insert a place for digital signature that is legally binding in the documents. Saves a lot of time and money from both sides.
PDFfiller is best tool for pdf editing online. It includes plethora of functionalities for editing pdf. Some of the functionalities I like include add text, note, watermark, redact, draw, add images/videos, textbox, date, checkmark, search and replace text, spellchecker, undo and redo, copy and paste, and pdf toolbar, add branding and Document signing and many more feature. PDFfiller supports integration with major cloud platforms including Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and Box. One of the best and easy to use tool for filing and storing all sort of forms electronically. Allows you to convert pdf files into other formats such as Microsoft word, excel and ppt. 'Send to Sign' feature is a boon to corporates and legal industry.
Some of the advanced feature require a great learning time from the end user. Sometime you would not get expected results while converting a Pdf to word in terms of change in formatting which is difficult to edit. Sometimes the tools is slow while working on large size files.
I like having this resource as an option.
I like that it offers a clean, crisp look for documents.
The forms or finished forms look very neat when they are typed. It seems like a great option for persons to use when their handwriting is not legible.
The words do not stay within the lines. I used the software recently and the office manager had to retype the form because the words did not fit.
Phenomenal Customer Service
Due to the pandemic, like a lot of people I was forced to work from home. My employer doesn't adequately support us in this task and so one day as a matter of urgency I started the free pdfFiller trial for a month. I set a reminder to cancel my subscription but I didn't complete the cancellation. When the annual subscription fee was taken from my bank account I was devastated, it's a deduction I couldn't afford and my employer would not reimburse me. The team at pdfFiller were amazing. They ensured I successfully cancelled the subscription and they also processed a refund. The speed of response was phenomenal, their empathy towards someone who genuinely could not afford the subscription was so appreciated. Their customer service is like nothing I have experienced before. Keep up the great work.
kara was great
kara was great. I am an older computer geek who never got into such things as screenshots. Not only did kara patiently deal with my problem but she also helped me with her request of a screen shot. i have 2nd and 3rd level support at ibm on global WAN's so i have an appreciation for what Kara did for me. Please give her kudo's and preferably a raise for dealing with an older computer geek
Thank you Customer service chat helped…
Thank you Customer service chat helped me find the watermark option. I couldn't see it in the areas I thought it would be. Although I had to exit out of chat because the option was under the chat box. So thank you since I had to close the chat out!
Could be worse for this price
I was expecting that it will be worse because I have seen a lot of weird and bad reviews. Especially in their Google extension market. But it works not bad, actually. I can recommend it.
pdfFiller is a great tool for a business to have. It has saved me a lot of time and money as It offers me the ability to fill in forms effortless and so many other things that I need.
Ottieni documenti fatto da qualsiasi luogo
Crea, modifica e condividi PDF anche in movimento. L'app pdfFiller ti fornisce tutti gli strumenti di cui hai bisogno per gestire documenti sul tuo dispositivo mobile. Provalo ora su iOS o Android!
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Prova la soluzione PDF che rispetta il tuo tempo.