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Get the free Augustinian Academy Responsible User Agreement

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This document outlines the responsible use agreement for K-8 students at Augustinian Academy, detailing expectations for device usage, care, and online behavior.
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How to fill out augustinian academy responsible user


How to fill out augustinian academy responsible user

Obtain the necessary forms or access the online portal for responsible user registration at Augustinian Academy.
Fill out all required personal information, including name, contact details, and any other identification information.
Provide information about your relationship to the Academy or the reason for needing responsible user status.
Submit the completed form either online or in person to the designated department or individual for processing.
Await confirmation of your responsible user status from Augustinian Academy.

Who needs augustinian academy responsible user?

Teachers, staff, and volunteers who will be working with students on a regular basis at Augustinian Academy.
Parents or guardians who will be accompanying students on field trips or other school-sponsored events.

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