Digitize your employee onboarding workflow

pdfFiller helps HR professionals speed up employee onboarding processes by streamlining document workflows. Managing documents digitally within a centralized system and collecting eSignatures online eliminates the need for in-person meetings with candidates and greatly reduces paperwork-related costs.
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Use case overview

An HR manager uploads a package of onboarding documents (e.g., employment contract, NDA, non compete agreement, policies, checklists, etc.) to their pdfFiller account or finds their fillable versions in the online library. The documents are then edited and turned into fillable templates. Then, the HR manager pre-fills the templates with employee-specific data and sends the documents for eSigning. Once an employee completes and signs the forms, they automatically appear in the HR manager’s pdfFiller inbox.
Benefits for HR professionals:
Saved up to 40 employee hours per month
Eliminated expenditures for shipping and scanning documents
Secured environment for the safe storage and transmission of private employee data
Reduced printing costs by 70%
Eliminated form errors and lost files
Integration with Salesforce, Google Docs & Drive, Gmail, Dropbox, etc.

Learn how pdfFiller customers save money and time

I spent weeks trying to fix issues that arose when we could not read application forms. Now I have neat enrollment forms that are easy for the employees to read.
Anne Barkhouse
The Town of Randolph’s Human Resources Department
Using pdfFiller has saved us 110 hours per year at $35.00 per hour as far as we can tell. And that was just the beginning of the savings because that time was put to productive, front end, revenue-producing use so the swing was at least triple in addition to what we saved.
John Hampton
Green Brick Title

Learn why HR teams choose pdfFiller

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Streamline application processing
Сreate fillable application forms and publish them online so that new candidates can easily fill them out from any device. Receive completed forms to your pdfFiller account.
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Speed up employee hiring
Fill out employment agreements and send them to candidates for eSignature. Track the signing status in real-time and get notifications once documents are signed.
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Prepare HR documents faster
Create reusable templates of contracts, offer letters, NDAs, tax forms, reimbursement requests, and other documents. Pre-fill them with employee and company data in seconds.
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Improve collaboration
Try pdfFiller’s easy-to-use online editor to annotate PDFs, share comments, and add fillable fields. Then, instantly send documents to colleagues for review and approval.
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Get the right HR forms
Access pdfFiller’s online library of over 25 million fillable forms for your daily HR processes. Instantly open any form in the editor and fill it out, annotate, or eSign in seconds.
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Maintain security and compliance
pdfFiller helps HR departments comply with industry-leading standards such as SOC 2 Type II, 21 CFR Part 11, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.

Do you have 10+ Team Members co-workers collaborating on documents in your organization? We have a solution for your entire team

Get premium functionality starting from $15/month for up to 10 users – try the best offer on the market.
Contact us for details

Learn how pdfFiller stacks up against the competition

This chart represents a partial list of features available in pdfFiller, PandaDoc, Adobe Acrobat and DocuSign
Adobe Acrobat
PDF Editor & Document Creator
Edit PDF
Add Fillable Fields
Conditional fields
Custom Branding
Create documents and forms
Library of forms
Document Converter
PDF Converter
Merge PDF
Security & Compliance
Protect PDF
Encrypted folders
Audit Trail
HIPAA Compliance
Fillable forms
Host Fillable Forms
Collect Payments
Fill in multiple forms at once
Send to the IRS
Mobile Apps
Offline mode on mobile
Sell forms
Show more Show less

Step by step guide for an employee onboarding HR workflow

Register your pdfFiller account. You can try pdfFiller risk-free with a 30-day trial.
Upload the onboarding document you need to your pdfFiller account or find a suitable template in the online library.
Open the document in the editor and add fillable fields if necessary.
Pre-fill and eSign the document. Then, click Done.
Pro tip: Save time pre-filling multiple documents using Fill in Bulk. You can pre-fill up to 1,000 documents at a time by adding information from your database or CRM to a table.
Email the document to an employee for eSignature via signNow.
Once the document is filled out and signed, you will find it in your pdfFiller inbox.
Pro tip: You can export data from multiple uniform documents directly to a CRM, spreadsheet, or database by using the Extract in Bulk feature.

Why do HR HR professionals choose pdfFiller?

Start saving time and money on document routines right now.
Start your free 30-day trial
Hassle-free PDF editing
Faster approvals with eSignatures
Annotation tools
Secure cloud storage