Who needs an MM 5257E Form ?
The MM 5257 Form should be used by individuals willing to apply for a visa to visit Canada. In fact, the necessity of filling out form MM 5257 depends on the visitor’s country of residence. As for some countries, the Electronic Travel Authorization can be enough. This information is to be checked on this website.
What is MM 5257E Form for?
The MM 5257E Form is Application for Temporary Resident Visa Schedule 1. This application form aims to disclose information on the applicant’s military service involving any war crimes, associations with any criminal or political groups that promoted and used violence, and also any governmental positions held.
Is Application For Temporary Resident Visa Schedule 1 accompanied by other forms?
Applying for the Canadian visa is a tedious process as it requires preparing and submitting some important documents. The full list of the supporting documentation for every particular case can be checked here.
When is MM 5257E Application Form due?
The application for Temporary Visa does not have a particular due date, as it should be filled out only when needed.
How do I fill out Canadian Visa Application Form?
If an individual is going to visit Canada together with their family, all the members over the age of 18 must complete this visa application form too.
The content of the form is self-explanatory enough; it contains a list of fields and boxes that must be filled out properly.
At the end, the applicant must sign and date the form.
Where do I send MM 5257E Form?
The MM 5257E Visa Application form should be sent to your local Canadian Visa office.