What is W2 Form?
W2 Form is the form to correct the previously filed faulty wage and tax statement. This is a form provided by the IRS and the SSA to make it possible for the employers to correct any and all misconceptions and errors in previously filed W-2 ?forms and\or related documents.
What is the Purpose of W2 Form?
The purpose of W-2 form is to file all the corrections of all mistakes and misconceptions in W-2 Form. The IRS and SSA tax refunds, benefit payments, and tax bills depend on the information provided in these forms.
When is W2 Form Due?
Starting 2016 all tax return non-employee compensation forms, whether filed on paper or electronically, need to be filed in 2017, Forms W-2 due January 31. Also, after January 1, 2017, all extensions for the Forms W-2 deadline with the SSA are no longer automatic. A number of states are accelerating their Form W-2 filing due dates, according to the federal law.
Is W2 Form Accompanied by Other Documents?
A correct W-2 Form, for wages and tax statements for the tax year. If an applicant have filed an income tax return for the year shown, he\she might need to file an amended return. The ?amounts listed on this form must be compared with those reported on your income tax return. If the applicant have not yet filed their return for the year shown in box c, the applicant is due to attach Copy B of the original Form W-2 to his\hers from the employer received and Copy B of this Form W-2 when filing it.
What Information do I Provide in W2 Form?
Filling the W2 form requires valid ? Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number, valid employer name, valid ?employee name or address, Additional Medicare Tax or federal income tax withholding, valid retirement plan indicator, Social Security wage, Excess contributions to a Health Savings Account or health flexible spending account, the amount for employer-sponsored health insurance.
Where do I Send W2 Form?
Most tax forms have an annual January 31 due date. Your tax forms are considered on time if the form is properly addressed and mailed on or before that date. If the regular due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday issuers have until the next business day.