CA DMV DL 44 2006 free printable template
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Hey guys its norm from edits Adam and Adam I need your help I'm come to you today for some assistance all right, and hopefully it's something that you'll be interested in this we know that you love to give your Blade Runner' gone yeah, and you also have Harrison for Indiana Jones pistol I do so those are our super super super accurate three makes a trend though and there's another famous gun that Harrison Ford uses in a movie that people may have heard of Star Wars the head Solo's blaster and that's one that you don't have a perfect replica of or that you have an invested time in research I haven't really ice actually I've got a belt on order right now and the RPF another one yeah yeah he's making me one I have to get on my measurements later on today literally later on today but the blaster I have is it a cheesy it's not cheesy it's fine, but it's a cheapo like $150 one right something that you can even buy online preassembled, so I'm gonna talk about your blaster let's make a plaster I thought it'd be fun to make a Han Solo blaster okay because it's really, really specific how when you get into the accuracy of the Han Solo Buster you're delving into an area of esoteric and specificity that I have never even traipsed into it is this is a level of detail oriented fandom that's that's actually beyond me, I mean I'm totally a gobsmacked by what people know we have to give credit to the RPF gets really those guys who did all the research, but thankfully I've read all 96 pages of the Han Solo dl-44 last tech thread and so let's just dive in to those details you have to part we have the part right here oh that's pretty good-oh my gosh isn't that is that amazing to give people a sense of the story behind these parts and the blaster there are two members of the RPF when getting pat mater and Carson case who for the past almost two years now have been trying to create this perfect replica the perfect Rust I know there's no such thing right because it did the gun changes from scene to scene but what is the canon one that's considered is it from a specific scene from a specific hero prom and not only does it change from seeing the scene it changes in the promo photos too because they shot a lot of those faces' promo photos before they shot the movie okay some, so this is your this is mine this is mine, and I would say I would call it serviceable I think this is one RPF occult service well they called good for troop right good for the contents could wait this is a really nice one is really nice this was made by master replicas the replicas company yeah a couple of years ago and this is their elite edition their second version of the dl-44 they actually made one before that was inaccurate this one also a little inaccurate by really standards, so we'll go into the history of the gun okay George Lucas his production company roger Christian the set decorator they went to an armor in the UK because they shot a lot of Star Wars in the UK called BAP D okay and...
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