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In this video presentation I'm going to show you how to fill out at W 2 W 2 is the annual report that an employer has to send out to all of their employees it basically gives the employee the information that they need to fill out their own personal tax return, so it's got the w2 includes all wage information all taxes that have been withheld it might include things like any dependent care that was withheld from your paycheck or any deductions for a retirement plan that was withheld from your paycheck or maybe some union dues basically it tells you anything that has to do with your pay okay, so it basically tells you your gross pay that's taxable as well as any taxes that have been withheld or any other deductions that have been withheld okay, so I have given you this w2 example in angel and then what we're going to do is we're going to actually complete a w-2, so this is what a w-2 looks like time, and so we're going to actually use this w2 example to complete this w2 so here I've given you an employer data, and then I've also given you an employee data, so we're going to do a w-2 for Kelly wreaths I'm giving you her payroll data she's single with one allowance, so she gets paid for 15 weekly I've given you her social security number she has a deduction for her 401k plan of $50 a week she's had 950 dollars in dependent care payments taken out this year, and she's also had $50 in unities taken out of her pay this year, and then I've also given you certain taxes that have been withheld Social Security Medicare state income tax local income tax and what I want to do is we're going to actually calculate the federal income tax that's going to be taken out so first let's do that, and then we'll complete our w-2 so here what I'm going to do is we've got for 15 a week okay that she gets paid now one thing we need to take out anything that is not taxable before we calculate our tax so here we've got this deduction for 401 K well that is going to come out pre-tax, so we're going to subtract out the $50 okay and when we do that we get three hundred sixty-five dollars, so this is what we need to look for on our wage bracket table okay, so again she gets paid weekly, and she's single so what I've done is I've come here, and I've got the single weekly wage bracket, so this is from your tax tables and appendix t in your textbook, and again we're looking for 365 and how many was holding allowances that she has just warming okay, so then we're going to come here we get 365 we've got one withholding allowance, so her tax per week is 29 okay, so we're going to come back we've got 29 per week but again w2 is an annual forum so 29 a week times 52 weeks would give us 15:08 for the year okay, so that's our outfit it's going to be 1508 okay all right so let's look at our done YouTube first let's just fill in the easy stuff okay first in box a want to put in the employee social security number, so I gave that to you as turn this on Oh 0:08 804 okay and then in Box B...
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