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Facts verse presents photos to test your intelligence number one woman in front of the window both of these pictures look exactly alike most people's eyes would stay up toward the woman and compare the scene outside her hair clothing and even the curtains if you move your eyes back and forth between the two pictures they both look exactly the same the difference is in a place where your eyes would not naturally gaze to first the floor the real difference is at the right of her feet in the photo on the left there is no mouse hole and on the photo on the right there is one number two engineering this one is a bit harder of the photos to test your intelligence because there is so much detail in these photos like our previous photo the difference between the two photos is the green mechanism to the bottom right of the screen like the previous photo your eyes won't naturally fall at the bottom of the screen because there is so much detail to look at in the top of the photo don't be surprised if this one took you a long time it does for most people will automatically focus on the three holes in the machine above the green mechanism even the temperature on the thermometer is suspect you also had to count all the bolts and brackets the blue hoses in the photos also had to be compared where there any missing in either photo were they the same length were they the same color this one is very tricky there's so much going on in the photo that each little detail needed to be checked to be sure that you didn't miss anything number three the Mona Lisa this is what are the hardest pictures to find the difference in if you look on the left side of the woman you will notice that the background goes down much further right by her arm in the photo on the left that it does with the photo on her right it's very subtle, but it's there most people look for a difference in her smile a change in her eyes, and you may even have counted her fingers these photos take a keen eye to spot the difference number four space photo this photo is relatively easy however you need to keep going back and forth between the two with your eyes because there is so much detail you need to check if every plant and every star are in both of the photos you also have to check if the monster in the sky is the same in both pictures and even the boy on the spaceship did he have the same face does he have the same hair it can give you a headache after a while the answer is actually with the hole in the front of the boys spaceship the hole on the left is much smaller than the hole on the right if you are lucky enough to set your gaze there the first time you may have gotten it right away if not I hope you enjoyed the back and forth that it took to finally spot that difference number 5 the city this picture brings your eyes to the towers on the building on the left you may have started counting them even the Train is suspect you may have counted the windows on the train and check to see if the cloud...

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