Who needs a CR-2 Form?
If a car driver is involved in an accident in Texas, he or she must fill out the Driver’s Crash Report in the following cases:
Anyone was killed or injured in an accident;
Damage to property caused by the accident amounts to a thousand dollars or more.
If one of the participants of the accident unlawfully left the scene, police will file a report, even if the amount of the damage caused is less than $1,000. However, if the accident caused injury to a person or animal, the report’s submission is mandatory.
What is a CR-2 Form for?
The CR-2 Form is used for reporting a car accident. The driver complete it and send it to the Texas Department of Transportation. If the driver cannot complete the form, another person should do so on behalf of the driver. The crash report describes the type of accident, the parties involved in the accident, and the consequences of a crash. Information taken from the report is used by the relevant authorities and serves as a legal and financial evaluation of the accident.
Is a CR-2 Form accompanied by other forms?
This crash report can be submitted as a separate document without accompaniment. However, medical reports and written testimony of eyewitnesses may accompany this form in case of special need.
When is a CR-2 Form due?
The driver of the crashed vehicle or the person completing this form on his behalf should submit it within ten days from the date of the crash.
How do I fill out a CR-2 Form?
When filling out the CR-2, you must provide information on the following items:
Crash Location;
Information on the vehicle that was driven;
Other vehicles involved in the crash;
Non-Motorist(s) involved;
Witness information;
Property damage information;
Information about injuries;
Description of what happened.
The submitter should also sign and date the form.
Where do I send a CR-2 Form?
The person submitting the form should send the completed document to the Texas Department of transportation, Crash Records, PO BOX 149349, Austin TX 78714.