Native Final Draft PDF Collaboration

The all-in-one native PDF Collaboration for Final Draft
Make your Final Draft document fillable by adding fillable fields. Draw or type your signature, collect data and signatures from others using your desktop computer or smartphone. Customize your document by adding branding elements and invite colleagues and partners to comment and edit within your Final Draft document.
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Improve your Final Draft document by adding fillable fields, drop-down menus, formulas, images and videos. Use branding elements to adjust your document’s look and formatting to your business needs. Grant access to your document to the right people. Screen
Complete a Final Draft document yourself and send it out to be signed and completed by your partners and colleagues. You can set reminders to get your document completed on time and receive an instant notification once a document has been completed. Screen
All Final Draft documents are edited and signed via PDF Collaboration are legally binding and HIPAA compliant. In addition, you can secure access to your document by setting a four-digit PIN and two-factor authentication. All changes can be easily tracked in versions of a document that you can restore at any time. Screen

Application features

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PDF Editor
Type, erase and redact text
Black out and highlight
Add images, graphics and tables
Draw shapes and lines
Add sticky notes and text boxes
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Form Builder
Make your document dynamic with fillable fields
Add drop-downs, checkboxes, formulas, signature fields
Set a signing order and add video guides for recipients to easily navigate your document
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e-Signing and Workflows
e-Sign documents yourself and collect signatures from up to 20 people
Stay in the loop throughout the signing process with timely notifications for completed documents
Sign and fill out documents on-the-go or on your desktop computer

Questions & answers

Below is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
What if I have more questions?
The screenwriting application Final Draft does not have the capability to import nor edit scripts saved as PDF files. It can, however, import PDF files that are already converted into the TXT (text) file format and then save them as FDX (Final Draft Document) files.
Final Draft 10 offers online collaboration but only one person can write at a time. Another user can request and receive editing permission from the person who started the session and then no one else can write.
The Final Draft 11 Collaboration feature allows real-time Collaboration on a script for any number of co-writers, anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and you can either Join or Host a Collaboration session. They can also write on different pages in the script at the same time.
Can Final Draft 12, Final Draft 11 and / or Final Draft 10 share collaboration sessions? Unfortunately, they can't. Each of these versions work differently enough from each other to make them incompatible.
Can Final Draft 12, Final Draft 11 and / or Final Draft 10 share collaboration sessions? Unfortunately, they can't. Each of these versions work differently enough from each other to make them incompatible.
Writing partners cannot co-own a copy of Final Draft any more than they can co-own an airline ticket. The standard Final Draft retail package comes with two activations, but these are for the registered user's desktop and laptop, home and office or city home and country home.

Digitize your paper-based processes with pdfFiller for Native Final Draft PDF Collaboration

Learn how to streamline your document management, increase productivity, and save precious time using a robust and secure solution for Native Final Draft PDF Collaboration
Please note: The pdfFiller integration with Native Final Draft PDF Collaboration is not available yet. We created this page to find out whether the integration is in demand among our users. Once confirmed, we will add it as soon as possible. Please reach out to us for more updates on the status of this integration.
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All-in-one PDF software
A single pill for all your PDF headaches. Edit, fill out, eSign, and share – on any device.