Struggling with Nitro Cloud? pdfFiller is a highly-rated alternative.

Over 64 million users choose pdfFiller for its award-winning ease of use, comprehensive functionality, and unbeatable price.

Experience effortless PDF management with the best alternative to Nitro Cloud

Customer trust proven by figures

pdfFiller is proud of its massive user base and is committed to delivering the greatest possible experience and value to each customer.

Switch from Nitro Cloud to pdfFiller in 4 simple steps

Sign up for free using your email, Google, or Facebook account.
Upload a PDF from your device or cloud storage, check the online library for the form you need, or create a document from scratch.
Edit, annotate, redact, or eSign your PDF online in seconds.
Share your document, download it in your preferred format, or save it as a template.

Get started with
an all‑in‑one PDF software

Save up to 40 hours per month with paper-free processes
Make quick changes to your PDFs even while on the go
Streamline approvals, teamwork, and document sharing

The leading Nitro Cloud alternative for SMBs and enterprises

Break free from paperwork setbacks with digital workflows.
Advanced eSignatures
Enterprise-ready features
Integrations and API
Organizations & Admin Dashboard

Find out why users choose pdfFiller over Nitro Cloud

Read more or give pdfFiller a try to experience the benefits for yourself
Ease of Use
Quality of Support
Ease of Setup
At first, I didn't understand what I needed to do first. I filled out the form I pulled up and then submitted it, but was sent to a page to choose which plan I wanted. When I realized I needed to choose a plan, I chose one, but then I had to fill out the form all over again! Then I submitted it, but the form again, but it wouldn't appear on my list of filled forms. My list only lhad a previous form from 7/15/2015. I chatted with a representative and she helped me get my second version on my list. This rep was extremely patient and nice, and did all she could to help me. I'm very happy I spoke with her.
Shirley D
enjoying it so far, looks to have a lot of features I haven't used yet but look forward to figuring them out and using them.

See how pdfFiller stacks up against the competition

This chart represents a partial list of features available in pdfFiller, Nitro Cloud
Nitro Cloud
No Downloads
Search Form Online
Edit PDF
Fill Online
Sign Online
Unlimited Cloud Storage
Annotate PDF
Fax Online
Track Sending Documents
Free Mobile App
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Questions & answers
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pdfFiller is a web-based pdf editor. Unlike Adobe Acrobat, you do not need to download or install any software. You can fill, edit, sign, store and export your documents online using any device from anywhere. supports Internet Exporter (IE), Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.
No downloads needed! is web-based application that does not need any additional software. supports any browser.
pdfFiller is your choice. pdfFiller is a web-based pdf editor. Unlike Nitro Cloud, you do not need to download or install any software. You can fill, edit, sign, store and export your documents online using any device from anywhere, with just $5.99/month.
Yes. allows you to edit any type of PDF document, scanned form, application, contract document, license form or certificate with our various tools and features. You can rearrange, rotate, and delete, the pages. You can also, add text, images, and signatures to each page.
To fill out a PDF form, begin by de-selecting the current function you are using or just simply click anywhere on the document and begin to type. You can then drag and move the text to your desired location.
To write on a scanned PDF document, click anywhere on the document and begin typing.
Yes, pdfFiller allows you to search for forms, and send them for signature. Other programs such as Docusign and Adobe Echosign require you to download additional software in order to search for forms.
Yes, you can. Upload your PDF documents to pdfFiller, or choose the document you want to edit and click “Fill” button in pdfFiller’s “My Forms” page. You can access to a variety of annotation features using the editor toolbar in “Draw” tab. To mark parts of text in the document, click the first button and select the text you’d like to highlight. To add a comment, click the fourth button and place a text box anywhere in your document. To add a sticky note, click the last button of the toolbar and place a note anywhere in your PDF. You can change the notes’ font setting using the buttons below the “Sticky Note” button. To underline text, click “Line” (the 6th) button and draw a line in your document. Place the line under the text you want to underline.
To erase text in PDF forms, upload your PDF forms to pdfFiller, or choose the form you’d like to edit in “My Forms” page and click “Fill” button. Click the third "Erase" button in “Draw” tab toolbar and get an content eraser. Select the text that you want to white out by clicking and holding the button on the mouse to draw a box around the area. Release the mouse when you're done.You can change the size of the eraser using the editor toolbar.
To edit font settings, begin by clicking on the “Font” button. You can then change the font type, adjust the size and color. You can also, modify text in to bold, underline, and italics.
To black out any content in PDF documents, upload your PDF documents to pdfFiller, or choose the PDF you’d like to black out in “My Forms” page and click “Fill” button. Click the second "Black Out" button in “Draw” tab toolbar and get a black square. Select the area that you want to black out by clicking and holding the button on the mouse to draw a box around the area. Release the mouse when you're done.You can change the size of the black square using the editor toolbar.
Absolutely. pdfFiller allows you to sign any document using our DigiSign technology. You can use a signature font or upload a signature file and apply it anywhere on the document.
Yes. allows you to edit any type of PDF document, scanned form, application, contract document, license form or certificate with our various tools and features. You can rearrange, rotate, and delete, the pages. You can also, add text, images, and signatures to each page.
SendTo, formerly known as SendToSign, now offers 3 unique options to request and manage document signatures:

Select the document that you would like signed, click the “SendToSign” button, and select the “SendToSign” option. Then, enter up to 20 email addresses, add an optional message for your recipients, choose a security option, and send. (If you select a PIN, you will have to provide this to the recipient separately, it will NOT appear in the email).

Signees will receive an email containing a secure link, and login credentials if they are not already pdfFiller users. After clicking the secure link and signing into pdfFiller, (and entering the PIN if necessary), recipients will be able to fill out and sign the document.

When a document has been completed, you will receive an email notification, and you will be able to retrieve the completed document via a secure link in this email, or in your “My Forms” page on pdfFiller under the SendToSign tab on the left.

Select the document that you would like signed, click the “SendToSign” button, and select the “SendToEach” option. Then, enter up to 20 email addresses, use the arrows to the right of each address to select your signing order, add an optional message for your recipients, and send.

The first signee will receive an email containing a secure link, and login credentials if they are not already pdfFiller users. After clicking the secure link and signing into pdfFiller, the recipient will be able to fill out and sign the document. Once the document has been completed, the next recipient in the chain receive their email.

Once all signees have completed the document, you will receive an email notification, and you will be able to retrieve the completed document via a secure link in this email, or in your “My Forms” page on pdfFiller under the SendToSign tab on the left.

Select the document that you would like signed, click the “SendToSign” button, and select the “SendToMany” option. Then, enter up to 20 email addresses, add an optional message for your recipients, and send.

All signees will receive an email containing a secure link, and login credentials if they are not already pdfFiller users. After clicking the secure link and signing into pdfFiller, the recipients will be able to fill out and sign the document.

Once all signees have completed the document, you will receive an email notification, and you will be able to retrieve the completed document via a secure link in this email, or in your “My Forms” page on pdfFiller under the SendToSign tab on the left.
To add check (circle or cross) marks to your documents, begin by clicking on one of the “Check”, “Circle”, and “Cross” buttons and simply drag them to your desired location on the document.
Upload the document with Uploader or select the document in “My Forms” page. Fill in the information that you want your template to always contain and click “Done” button to return to "My Forms" page. Select the filled document and click “T”--“Template” button. Your document will be converted into a template. Every time you open the document, you will be prompted for a new document name and a new one will be created. The template itself will remain unchanged and ready for use. If you need to modify the template, simply select the template form in “My Form” page and click “Template” button. The template will be converted to a regular form. You can modify and convert it to a template later.

9 Reasons Why pdfFiller is Better Than Nitro Cloud

Most cloud services offer their users many of the same features. The option of storing your data (business documents, images, forms, etc.) and being able to access it anytime you need from any internet-connected device is a service most storage platforms offer. Any file you upload to a cloud is available to you from any device with an internet connection allowing you to share your document with others or attach it to emails.
Not all storage apps work like this. Some of them offer even more features. There are platforms that allow you to not only store your documents, but also edit, sign and easily share them. pdfFiller is an online service that empowers you to do all of these things and may be the best alternative for both business and personal usage. Nitro Cloud doesn’t offer you the array of features that pdfFiller does.
Check out the following statements to know why pdfFiller is what you need for secure data storage:
pdfFiller allows you to save an unlimited amount of documents.
Search for any PDF document in pdfFiller’s library.
pdfFiller takes the security of their users’ data seriously.
Easily edit all documents stored in your pdfFiller account online without installing any software.
Transform your documents into smart fillable PDF forms.
Import your Microsoft Word documents to your pdfFiller account.
Apart from the usual way of sharing PDFs with others, you can send them via email, mobile phone, URL or QR code.
Host your PDF documents on your site.
Sign any PDF by typing, drawing, uploading your signature or capturing it with your webcam.