Who needs SSA-561-U2?
This form may come in handy to those who apply to a social security administration for a reconsideration. It can is used by appellant in cases of determination about the claims by the social security administration.
What is SSA-561-U2 Used For?
This document is a request for reconsideration form. It is used to appeal administration’s determination about the claim for either supplemental security income (SSI) or special veterans benefits (SVB).
Should I Attach Any Other Forms to SSA-561-U2?
This form doesn't require any attachments. All the additional papers are sent later, while processing your claim.
How do I fill out SSA-561-U2?
While filling out Request For Reconsideration you should provide the following information:
First you should give name of claimant while filling out the form. Request For Reconsideration also requires claimant SSN to be provided. You should also mention whether your claim differs your SSN you should mention the first one as well while filling out Request For Reconsideration. Request For Reconsideration should contain information about issues being appealed. Request For Reconsideration also requires the reasons you are appealing to be provided. You also have to choose one of three ways of processing your claim. Those are:
Case review
Informal conference
Formal conference
The last part you need to fill out is about your contact information. It consists of the following statements:
Mailing address
ZIP code
Telephone number
You also can mention the same list considering your representative whether you have one. Otherwise, you will participate the review/conference on yourself. On the bottom of the form you should provide your signature.
DO NOT fill out the second part of the request for consideration. It is for social security administration use only.
Where should I Send It?
There are 2 copies of the form. The first one is for the Social Security administration and the second is for claimant. You should keep your copy and file the first page of the paper to your local social security office.