Design Watermark Certificate For Free

Create a legally-binding electronic signature and add it to contracts, agreements, PDF forms, and other documents – regardless of your location. Collect and track signatures with ease using any device.
Drag and drop document here to upload
Select from device
Up to 100 MB for PDF and up to 25 MB for DOC, DOCX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, JPEG, PNG, or TXT
Note: Integration described on this webpage may temporarily not be available.
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Upload a document
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Generate your customized signature
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Adjust the size and placement of your signature
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Download, share, print, or fax your signed document

Every eSignature tool you need – inside a powerful PDF software

eSignature solution
Document tracking
Enhanced productivity
Custom branding
Security & compliance

eSign documents and collect signatures

Easily fill, edit, and sign your PDF documents in a single application, on any device.
Type, draw, or use a signature converter to create an eSignature from a picture of your handwritten autograph.
Create fillable PDFs and send them for signature to one or multiple recipients.
Set signer roles and customize a signing order.

Get visibility into the signing process

Receive instant alerts once signatures are in place.
Specify CC’d recipients and set actions upon document completion.
Monitor changes in your documents with audit trails.

Speed up your approval workflows

Send documents for signature faster by sharing them via short links.
Simplify data and signature collection by posting fillable PDF forms online.
Collect payments along with signed documents.

Showcase your branding when requesting signatures

Display your logo on signature invites, user notifications, and in the eSignature editor.
Customize an email message for your eSignature invites.
Redirect signers to your website once they complete your document.

Maintain industry-leading security and compliance

Authenticate signers via a password.
Make your document workflows compliant with industry-specific regulations, including HIPAA.
Secure the authenticity of a document with a unique ID.
Set an expiration date for your document.

Join the world’s largest companies

Employees at these companies use our products.

The PDF and eSignature platform users love

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users worldwide
PDFs edited per month
1 hour
on average to get a document signed
documents added daily
I have only had PDF Filler a few days and the word WOW is not even close to a full description. This is the best thing for PDF since sliced bread. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!
Kristi E
Very good so far except that when I attempt to print completed documents the program changes the orientation of the doc so that it cannot be printed. I've managed a work around, but it's annoying.
Anonymous Customer

Sign any document using pdfFiller’s eSignature service without hassle

Add your virtual signature in just a few simple steps – without a scanner or printer.


Upload your document to pdfFiller and open it in the editor.
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Generate and save your electronic signature using the method you find most convenient.
Screenshot 2


Resize your signature and adjust its placement on a document.
Screenshot 3


Save a signed, printable document on your device in the format you need or share it via email, a link, or SMS. You can also instantly export the document to the cloud.
Screenshot 4
Upload a document
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Screenshot 4

Why choose pdfFiller for eSignature and PDF editing?

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Cross-platform solution

Upload your document to pdfFiller and open it in the editor.
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Unlimited document storage

Generate and save your electronic signature using the method you find most convenient.
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Widely recognized ease of use

Resize your signature and adjust its placement on a document.
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Reusable templates & forms library

Save a signed, printable document on your device in the format you need or share it via email, a link, or SMS. You can also instantly export the document to the cloud.

The benefits of electronic signatures

Bid farewell to pens, printers, and paper forms.
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Enjoy quick document signing and sending and reclaim hours spent on paperwork.
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Sign documents from anywhere in the world. Speed up business transactions and close deals even while on the go.
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Cost savings

Eliminate the need for paper, printing, scanning, and postage to significantly cut your operational costs.
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Protect your transactions with advanced encryption and audit trails. Electronic signatures ensure a higher level of security than traditional signatures.
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Electronic signatures are legally recognized in most countries around the world, providing the same legal standing as a handwritten signature.
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By eliminating the need for paper, electronic signatures contribute to environmental sustainability.

Enjoy straightforward eSignature workflows without compromising data security

Design Watermark Certificate Feature

The Design Watermark Certificate feature is an essential tool for creating professional and visually appealing certificates.

Key Features:

Customizable watermarks: Easily add custom watermarks to your certificates to protect your brand and artwork.
Wide range of design options: Choose from a variety of preset templates, fonts, colors, and graphics to customize your certificates.
High-quality images: Import and insert high-resolution images or logos to enhance the visual appeal of your certificates.
User-friendly interface: Design your certificates with ease using the intuitive interface, even without prior design experience.
Print-ready output: Generate high-quality print-ready certificates that can be easily shared or distributed online.

Potential Use Cases and Benefits:

Academic institutions: Create professional certificates for academic achievements, graduation, or training programs.
Businesses: Design custom certificates for employee recognition, awards, or certifications.
Events and conferences: Generate visually appealing certificates for participants, speakers, or sponsors.
Non-profit organizations: Easily create certificates for volunteers, donors, or special contributors.
Online courses and training platforms: Provide certificates of completion for learners upon finishing a course.

With the Design Watermark Certificate feature, you can easily enhance the overall design and visual impact of your certificates. Whether you are an academic institution, a business, or organizing an event, this feature allows you to create professional-looking certificates that leave a lasting impression. By customizing watermarks, using high-quality images, and leveraging a wide range of design options, you can ensure your certificates reflect your brand identity and capture attention. The user-friendly interface makes it accessible to anyone, regardless of design skills, reducing the time and effort needed to create stunning certificates. With print-ready output, you can easily distribute or showcase your certificates both online and offline. Say goodbye to generic and dull certificates - with the Design Watermark Certificate feature, you can elevate your certificate designs to new heights.

Instructions and Help about Watermark On Certificate

Design Watermark Certificate: easy document editing

Document editing is a routine procedure performed by most people on a daily basis. There's a range of platforms out there to change your PDF or Word document's content one way or another. All the same time, most of the options are applications and require taking up space on your device and affect its performance. Using PDF files online, on the other hand, helps keeping your device running at optimal performance.

Now you have the option of avoiding those complications working on templates online.

pdfFiller is an all-in-one solution that allows you to store, produce, edit your documents in your browser tab. This service supports primary document formats, such as PDF, Word, PowerPoint, images and text. Create a document from scratch or upload it from your device in no time. In fact, all you need to start editing is an internet-connected device.

Discover the fully-featured text editor for starting to modify documents. A great range of features makes it possible to change the content and the layout. Using pdfFiller, you can edit pages on the go, add fillable fields anywhere on the form, add images, text formatting and digital signatures.

To modify PDF form you need to:

Drag and drop a document from your device.
Open the Enter URL tab and insert the hyperlink to your file.
Get the form you need in our template library using the search.
Upload a document from your cloud storage (Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, One Drive and others).
Browse the Legal library.

As soon as your document uploaded to pdfFiller, it is automatically saved to your My Docs folder. All your files are stored on a remote server and protected by advanced encryption. Your information is accessible across all your devices immediately, and you're in control of who will work with your documents. Move all your paperwork online and save your time.

Instructions and Help about Watermark On Certificate

The Design Watermark Certificate feature in pdfFiller allows you to easily add watermarks to your certificates to enhance their appearance and protect them from unauthorized use. Follow these simple steps to use this feature:

Log in to your pdfFiller account and open the document you want to add a watermark to.
Click on the 'Watermark' tab in the toolbar at the top of the page.
Select the 'Design Watermark Certificate' option from the dropdown menu.
Choose the type of watermark you want to add. You can select from pre-designed templates or create a custom watermark.
Customize the watermark by adjusting its size, opacity, rotation, and position on the page.
If you're using a pre-designed template, you can also edit the text and font style of the watermark.
Once you're satisfied with the design of your watermark, click on the 'Apply' button to add it to your certificate.
You can further customize the watermark by clicking on it and using the options that appear, such as resizing or deleting it.
Save your document to apply the watermark permanently.
Congratulations! You have successfully used the Design Watermark Certificate feature to enhance your certificate.

By following these steps, you can easily create professional-looking certificates with watermarks using pdfFiller's Design Watermark Certificate feature. Start using this feature today and make your certificates stand out!

For pdfFiller’s FAQs

Below is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Open Microsoft Word. Go to “Page Layout” and click on “Orientation.” ... Go back to Page Layout. Click on “Page Borders.” ... Enter the title of the certificate on the top. ... Press enter a couple of times for spacing. ... Move down a couple of rows. ... If applicable, include a subtitle. ... Create space for signatures.
Sign up for Engage for free. Pick a certificate template that fits the occasion. Customize the text and colors of your certificate. Change the background design, add icons, and adjust the text placement as you see fit.
A certificate template defines the policies and rules that a CA uses when a request for a certificate is received. ... The Request Handling tab, shown in Figure 12.19, has options including minimum key size and certificate purpose. The certificate purpose can be encryption, signature, or signature and encryption.
Learn how to use certificate templates and produce professional-looking award certificates in almost no time. Microsoft Word comes with a selection of certificate templates to make the process easy. Instructions in this article apply to Word for Office 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, and Word 2013.

Ready to try pdfFiller's? Design Watermark Certificate

Upload a document and create your digital autograph now.
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